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Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolving Injections

This groundbreaking new treatment provides results within 24 hours


Lemon Bottle uses a blend of natural ingredients like Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Lecithin, and Bromelain to target and break down fat cellsThe treatment involves injecting a specialised solution into the fatty deposit areas. This solution breaks down the fat cells, turning them into fatty acids that are naturally flushed out by your body. You will begin to see results within 24 hours with full results visible at around 3-4 weeks. 

Not only does Lemon Bottle help in reducing stubborn fat, but it also boosts your metabolism and supports collagen production, improving your skin’s elasticity. Unlike other fat dissolvers, Lemon Bottle is not painful, there is no downtime, and most importantly no swelling afterwards.


What body areas can be treated with Lemon Bottle?

It is generally recommended for small, hard-to-treat areas, such as double chins or fatty deposits above the knees, armpit fat or ankles but can also be used for larger areas of the body. A full list of treatable areas are as follows:


Double chin;

Male chest;

Back fat;

Upper arms;

Bra fat;




Banana roll; and


Treatment Time

From 30 minutes


Not required



Visible Results

24 hours


Up to 36% fat loss



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